(Pictured with her two handsome sons Kalin and little Kai)Dearest Megan, Mekana, Meg-ster, Big Sistah -
I love you because you are:
Giving (of everything you have)
Considerate (of everyone)
Accepting (almost to a fault)
Loving of absolutely everyone
Forgiving (I could learn a thing or two)
Quick to laugh
Quick to fake-smile for a photo (family joke)
My big sister amazes me all the time. Not only is she all of these things above, but she is so much more that I simply don't have room for. She is one of the most kind and genuine human beings I know. She has been through her fair share in life, and I'm amazed sometimes that she has the strength to keep going. She does, however. She doesn't look back (like some may), but she keeps going, and for this I know she'll be blessed. Love you Megs!