Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dear Rain,

How happy I am that you stopped by today. I loved seeing you heading anxiously for the golf course that I was on today, and I loved you even more when you began to fall upon me. Sometimes you are quite cold and chill me to the bone, but I can't help just drink it in. I came home today and watched as you pounded my window and everything outside whilst I drank my cup of hot chocolate. Please come back again soon. I've missed you.

The end.


Miss Kendra said...

I love the rain too... just not when my kids are trying to Trick-or-Treat!!

Malea said...

We don't get the rain as much, so it's always a treat. I wouldn't have minded if it came down on our night of trick or treat. We need that stuff badly here in the desert.

Unknown said...

Oh it was beautiful that day!! I love the rain too. I hope it rains some more before it snows... blaah