Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I cry.



Heidi said...

Sometimes, I want to give you a hug.

karen louise said...

Not just sometimes, but all the times I want to lend you my shoulder!

You ok?

Shannon said...

Me too. Is everything ok?

Erin said...

All good, friends. For real. I was just sayin'.

Mucho love ~

Caitilin said...

No you don't. When in the world have you ever cried? Seriously...when? OH wait...this is Erin Colleen we're talking about...Erin Colleen who shares genes with me. Yep WE do cry; no shame in that...'cept when you're in the grocery store and Muzak is playing a song that reminds you of days from long ago and tears start falling from the sky -- I mean my eyes. Embarrassing. No good. Oh well...at least we have feelings right?!