Erincita hasn't been to sleep yet. It's true. Around 1:30 am I lay my head down for sleep. After about 15 minutes, I got restless trying to sleep and got up to be entertained by my blackberry. I decided I'd like to upload a new application of Kayak, which is a travel site I frequently use. I being the download, then realize I don't have much memory left (I guess I do a lot of downloading), so I started to delete one I don't use often. While in the process of deleting, my bb froze. I waited for it to unfreeze, but got impatient and just powered it down by taking out the battery - you know, the usual process. As I'm waiting for it to come on, I notice an unfamiliar screen. I proceed to take the battery out once again, just for fun. The same screen pops up. Well, I can't sleep anyway, so I decided to stay up until 4 for Verizon to open. I call them, and my rep. proceeds to tell me that my bb has crashed. Crashed?? Wah??!! What does that mean exactly? She explained that because I powered it down in the middle of a download (or the deleting of a download) I've lost my pictures, my contact information, etc. Ack! Funny thing, I was thinking last night that I hadn't backed up my contacts to my computer yet. I mean, I've only had the thing for two months. Wendy, the rep. tells me that I will be able to start up the bb again through a short little process (hooray), but I need the output that connects my computer to my cell. Sure, I totally have it. I run to my room to look for the box with the do-dads from my bb. I find the box, but I don't see the output. Thirty minutes after turning my room upside down at 4 am, I am at a loss. No output. In my problem solving state, I think to myself 'Sean has my same phone. I'll call him in the morning and he'll bring me his output. Phew!' Guess what - Sean's phone number is in the crashed device, too. I only know maybe three numbers by memory - THREE! Ack!!
How have I come to rely so much on my crackberry?? And when did I stop memorizing telephone numbers? Remember the days when we had them all stored in our little heads? Yeah, those days are long gone. Cell phones have made us incapable of memorizing phone numbers, people!
Ah Friends, I am lost without my communication device. Well, at least for a few hours I'm lost.
Lesson learned: Back-up yer stuff! And maybe this is where we start memorizing numbers again... or not. Yeah, no.
P.S. Please send your phone numbers to my email so I can add them to my bb again.
Bless you all.
Dang! I'm sorry girl! I'll send ya my phone number today...
How the heck are ya, anyways? Besides the crashing....
oh no!! Is my number one of the ones you memorized?? I can get you all the family numbers. Just call me from m&d's phone. Luv ya!
435-635-3795 (hm) I'm so so sorry. My kids like to throw my Palm's in the trash.
Ugh! What's that song the muppets sing "You cant live with 'em. You can't live without 'em..." My little night owl friend, if I had tried to talk to someone that early without any sleep my words would all be slurred, not to mention my thoughts.
I'll send you my fact I'll try to find yours and call it right now. If we didnt chat its because I didn't find it. (((Hug)))
I know your pain. Lost "part" of mine yesterday. I lost all my B, F, H, I, L, N, O, P, T, U contacts and part of my A, D, E and S ones. Explain that.
Oh yeah and your info was one of the E's...
I loved Ryan's brilliant comment about losing his numbers. What a whacky guy! Love him, though.
Irish Gramma
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