Sunday, August 31, 2008

Gimme rain.

Tonight as I've been listening to the amazing (and most infrequent) rain storm outside my window, I've been aching to pull off a Gene Kelly dance moment. I might just run outside and do this...


Karen Liu said...

Such a classic. I love this film. When I was little, I used to dance in the rain with a beautiful red umbrella that my Paw-Paw (maternal grandma) gave me. I used to pretend I was Gene Kelly. Rain makes me happy, even the monsoons like yesterday.

Ashley said...

I love the rain, as long as there isn't lightning. I am deathly scared of lightning and thunder! I would love to go dancing in the rain -- I love to be out in it or reading at an open window with it pouring outside. I love the smell of rain too. There is nothing better than a late summer rain storm in Utah! Thanks for sharing!